Monday, May 05, 2008

those lazy hazy crazy days of summer

Iron Man just scored a hundred mil in the US during its opening weekend. Yay for Bobby Downey Jr. (feeling close kami) who deserved it. Hehe. Watched it during opening day last Wednesday and, quoting Macky here, I was one of the cool people who watched through the end credits. Hehe. For those of you who didn't know about that extra scene, sorry na lang kayo. HAHAHA! And no, this is NOT spoiling. Y'all had five days to snoop around for juicy details. Anyway, so summer has officially started, and not just US movie box office terms. After all, I think it started here around third week of April, when the temperatures spiked to the 36es (Celsius).

I, on the other hand, will peg "summer" on the dates marking the first batch of our company summer outing, where all three adjectives of the above title applied. As in.

Lazy, because that's the overall purpose of a summer outing anyway... although given the minor setbacks typical of a first -- a.k.a., "trial" -- batch, there wasn't enough lounging around that happened (except perhaps for Tin and JM... *ehem*)

Hazy and crazy, because those are the effects of too much alcohol. 'Nuff said.

Lazy (again), because the aftermath of a summer outing is usually exhibited by lazily working your ass off, wishing instead that you're back on the beach (or pool) and making landi with other people.

Or watching the summer blockbuster movies. Prince Caspian is in two weeks, after all. *drool*

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